"Pirita successfully mediated a construction dispute for YIT. Because of Pirita’s mediation, YIT avoided cumbersome juridical proceedings.
When parties could no longer find ways to resolve a dispute, a mediation led by Pirita offered parties a business-oriented, cost-efficient and quick process, through which parties were able to resolve the dispute before it would have ended up to a court.
My mediation experience with Pirita was very positive and also educational. A particular strength of the U.S. type of mediation process offered by Pirita is a short and comprehensive preparation period. During this period Pirita ensures that both parties come to the mediation day with right expectations and sufficiently prepared, so that settlement discussions can take place in a solution-oriented and efficient manner. Pirita’s mediation process is also otherwise well thought and Pirita’s work as a mediator is professional.
Pirita’s mediation method brings a welcomed refreshment to the Finnish dispute resolution market. I warmly recommend a mediation led by Pirita as a means of resolving business-disputes."
Miikka Keränen
Senior Legal Counsel
